Alright, listen up:

When a TERF says "trans women are just men pretending to be women to perv on girls in locker rooms," they do not actually believe it, and I can easily prove this.

It isn't just a lie, it's a lie that doesn't even stand up to a minute of thought.
Trans women are not unaware of the hardships of transitioning before they transition. In fact, fear of those hardships is what makes so many trans people hesitant to transition in the first place.

It often requires invasive surgery, lifelong medication and social readjustment.
It also regularly involves having to deal with accusations of perving on girls in locking rooms, among other smears, slurs and acts of fascist violence.

HRT medication is heavily associated with a loss of sexual function and desire; an absolute non-starter for a creepy perv.
It's also very important to note that there are not any publicly-known cases of trans women actually DOING this, and I know this to be true because if there were, TERFs would absolutely never shut up about them, like they never shut up about the same seven trans sex offenders.
These are all facts that it's extremely easy to access if you don't already know them.

This means that either TERFs know that what they're saying is bullshit, or they've not engaged their brains for the five minutes of research it would take to check.
TERFs repeating the lie that trans women transition to perv on girls in locker rooms either actively know they're spreading a violent lie, or they care so little about the content of their speech that they refuse to spend any time checking whether or not what they say is true.
And the thing is, Hanlon's Razor doesn't apply here. When you're spreading a rumour you know would harm public opinion of vulnerable people without stopping to consider whether or not it even makes sense, you are just as malicious as people who consciously know they're lying.
"Trans women are a threat to cis women" isn't just a vicious lie, it's a vicious lie that no rational person could seriously believe, because rational people wouldn't just accept it without thinking it through first.

QED. End thread.
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