Stopping certain projects and writing a court-case diagnosis of how displacement feels matters. But it doesn't stop anything, especially when the lawsuit gets dismissed. Do whatever the fuck you're going to do in your shitty screenshot discourse.
This quotes refs my Comp Plan testimony (public record) without my name, which is shady as shit. It's also fucking dumb to not ask me—a former WCP staffer—for context, even if you disagree with me. @caroline_jones_, this is just, like, really stupid.
I would have gotten fucking reamed out if I ever quoted someone ON THE PUBLIC RECORD without including their name—we would, like, never do that at GGWash, lol—because I was too much of a coward? to endure their Twitter wrath? Jesus, this is so dumb.
Either WCP staffers are so incompetent that no one checked a freelancer’s work or they’re such cowards that they omitted my name—either is extremely bad. The language here was submitted on the record in advance and delivered verbally w/in an hour of oral testimony.
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