Everyone thinks they'll control the tiger and won't get eaten. I think this behavior is sort of easy to understand - and explains why a kinda-dumbass like Trump succeeds.

1/ https://twitter.com/QOrigins/status/1360342151536676865
Trump really isn't a smart man and in any decent country he'd be a sideshow. But what he is good at is playing to base emotions and creating chaos and taking advantage of it. It's core survival stuff WISE people twig onto immediately.

But he's also dumb, which WORKS.

Looking at the parade of people burned by him, it's always "how did smart people do this" and beyond being evil, I think people think they can be the one to win. Because they're smart and Trump is dumb.

It hasn't worked for them, has it?

Trump burns people, throws them away, turns on them, and everone thinks "oh I can use Trump" or they can take advantage of him and so on. But they're just fuel for the fire because smart as you are, how do you USE a force of pure ID at random who YOU elevated.

So these smart idiots deify and kowtow to Trump, think they'll come out on top and . . . well they don't. They can't turn on him. They can't navigate the chaos, and they get screwed.

And I think Republicans still figure they can "win."

The only person that wins the game of Trump is Trump. Because he's dumb enough people think they can take advantage of him, and he screws people so instinctively they are surprised. And that's the way it is with a chunk of the Republican party. They'll tame the tiger.

It's pretty clear the Republican party is people going further and further crazy, trying to please Trump and his base, hoping to be The One Who Wins. And someone might, if only by attrition, but there will be a LOT of damage.

And that someone may be Trump.

The Republican party has NO policy, no plan, nothing that will do ANYTHING good for the country. It's all bare power-jockeying and base-baiting and threats of violence. There's no there, there.

And they will screw each other as well.

So conclusion - the Republican party is gone, everyone is jockeying to ride the chaos train, pain and suffering will follow, and the smart people are UNWISE.

WE need to fight back for years to stop this and build back. So get the hell ready.

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