1. With our Without FTO, Houthis won't let aid access to people in need.
They created famine and use it to sustain their war, according to UN Expert Report 2021. What Biden Admin is doing is raising a new 9/11 terror group!
More to know more? Read the thread:
Solutions last!
2. UN Panel’s revealed that the Houthis’ diversion efforts, through the numerous channels & mechanisms they have set up, have allowed them to divert, on aggregate, the equivalent of $1.8 billion. This amount is enough to pay salaries for 3 years to Yemenis.
3. Pattern of conflicts shifted towards widespread economic profiteering perpetrated by networks of commanders, businessmen, politicians & local leaders. The scale of profiteering significantly affected the humanitarian situation," UN Experts report 2021.
4. INGOs and Houthis are partners in corruption!
UN Expert Report, Houthis created a stand-alone agency outside "State” budget, directly manage funds & grants in a very autonomous manner, with little accountability &transparency.
5. INGOs never responded to a Yemeni campaign calling for Transparency and accountability and exposing their financial reports. We sent all of them 6000 emails #وين_الفلوس
Zero response!
6. In Associated press: "Houthis pushed back against UN efforts to tighten monitoring of some $370mln a year that its agencies already give government institutions controlled mostly by the rebel group."
7. Houthis realestate booming market refute all theories of economy ”investments escape in wars”.
But cus they have no legal channels in international market to money laundry, the “Safest Investments” in their territory is the real estate sector
No booming & TRADE is functioning
9. We don't manufacture in Yemen any of these materials. Which means TRADE supply chain is not disrupted and everything access Yemen, mainly from Aden and Mukala ports,
UN Pannel of Expert report 2019 and Acaps Report.
10. AP: WHO investigated unqualified people were placed in high-paying jobs, $mlns were deposited in staffers’ personal accounts, dozens of suspicious contracts, & tons of donated medicine &fuel went missing.
11: Aljazeera News: " U.N. agencies fall short of the kind of investigation needed to track the millions of dollars in supplies & money from aid programs that have gone missing".
13: Aid is not what keeps Yemeni alive, but remittances. The international remittances are triple the amount of aid relief provided to the Yemenis, WB reports, 2017.
The informal sector is 50%, WB report. So the total remittances might reach 6 times the amount of AID.
14: Aid operational cost along with its rutten corruption disapear in air.
But Remittences guaranteed access to those who needed them by their families & friends, &they were used effectively either to secure food, shelter, or a simple project that generate income, WB Reports.
15.The details of the piracy &looting of relief aid alone reveal the ugliest aspect of Houthi terror and their supremacy notion and Nazis ideology to bring Yemenis on their knee! Revoking the FTO for Aid reason means they are double five-stars Terror! Believing them is stupidtiy!
16: Second: Houthis wage a fierce economic war against Yemenis that deepened the humanitarian crisis & famine in Yemen. Ex: Speculating with exchange currency creating black markets, manipulating fuel and Gas, taking excessive taxations reach to 30% On top of income tax.
17. Houthis formed an economic committee directly under National Security that traces & investigates those oppositions violation all customer protection laws & force direct access to banks’ customer accounts to blackmail & bankrupt them.
18. They enforce excessive taxes up to 30% above the state’s income tax which is part of their supremacy ideology, which states people should share them 20% of their income as a superiror group.
19. Houthis wages fierce economic war against Yemenis, they kidnapped officials in many Yemeni banks, director of and deputy biggest bank & an official at other Bank. In 1 day, they arrested 25 banking staff.
20. Houthis established judicial guard headed by Saleh Mosfer, a very close ally to Abdulmalik al-Houthi. He is a key figure in the Houthis’ efforts to confiscate assets from opponents & businessmen.
21. They created a business environment that repelled the traditional and current financial & private sector, forcing companies to move out. While providing window for their plp to take over.
22. Houthis generate revenues to fund their war effort. By controlling State-owned revenue-generating entities and collecting personal and corporate taxes, the Houthis have been able to collect and mobilize billions of Yemeni rials (YRI) on a yearly basis
23. Ugly monopoly on oil derivatives which mainly originate from Iran. Deepened the humanitarian situation.

We are seeing a resurrection of the Imams in the form of the Houthis. The same tools of deliberately creating famine, same history bringing people to their knees!
24. Conclusions:
1. Aid should not be the main reason to revoke FTO.
2. Yemenis ( Not Houthis the 95% of population) need genuin help to be rescued from these terrorist group that is waging war political, economic, social and intellectual wars, against them.
25. Aid organizations can function from liberated cities like Marib &Aden. They will then expose their financial reports to the government which can help end corruption.
Banks can use Aden as headquater.
Trade will continue functioning with no destruction. As it is now.
26. Majority of money cycle, 50-70%is in the informal channels, Using digital finance &technology will support in transforming it into the formal sector 2combat AntiMoney Laundry &Terrorism. That say, International community should support State Institutions mainly central bank
27. shutting down the financial resources 4Houthis is first step 2build peace.
Hashemite families and allies will stop collaborating with Houthis as they don't want to be part of the FTO.
Empowering Yemenis and listen to a verity of their academics&activist via Digital Diplomacy
28. Strengthening state organizations, putting pressure on all players to not interfere in the state sovereignty. Putting pressure on IRAN, SA &UAE to stop manipulating with Yemenis.
Build an economic vision 4Yemen that all Yemenis & globe be strategic partners with sovereignty.
29.Send war criminals to international criminal court.
Protect aid channels in the areas of Houthis
Support income generating, Educational and rehabilitation programs. Digital technology
Strengthening the communities, their municipalities and on top women.
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