Let's talk about #AssassinsCreed Valhalla's #DLC by Learning about


They didn't keep records, Romans (Julius Caesar) did on them (2-3) talking about their Class(4-5), practices (6-8) & Beliefs (9-14)!

#ACFacts: 3,6,7,8
#ACTheories: 4,9,12-14

🙏WATCH VID @ 15😊

🔲Druids were literate, but mostly Oral People, they didn't write down anything bc it's better keeping it to❤️

🔲Everything we know about them is from Romans

🔲Julius Caesar is 1 such record!

🔲In Gaul around 59-51 BC, Julius observed these Druids' writing..👇

🔲In Gaul,Caesar wrote on Druids talking about them being:

🟥Equal to Nobles & have their own Class, Structure & Hierarchy👨👩(4-5)

🟥Are in charge of Religious Events/ 1 we saw in #AssassinsCreedValhalla.🔥(6-11/15)

Let's focus on 1st Red🟥 First👇

🔲Druids were of the highest class in the Celtic Society

🔲They consisted of both Men and Women.👨👩(Highly likely #ACValhalla will have both NPCs)

🔲Diff. classifications of druids:

🔲They had hierarchy too👇

🔲 #Caesar wrote of Druids having a Hierarchy & they are thought to have diff. Color uniforms

➡️ARCH-DRUID, wore gold Robes.🥇(Historic)

➡️Ordinary Druids wore White, were Priests.🔲

➡️Recruits Wore Brown & Black🟤⚫️

➡️Women called Bandrui & have same rights as men👇

🔲As high ranking officials, Druids (men or women) were able to lay down the law.

🔲Any who opposed the Druid laws were punished as Criminals & this is where Druid Religious Practice came in!

🔲Remember #ACValhalla's Glowcesterscire Arc? That burning man🔥? It's linked!👇

🔲Druids used to be in charge of Ritual observances.

🔲1 Such Ritual is done in Druid New Year= Samhain (AKA, Halloween, that #ACValhalla shows you by going trick or treating with Eivor🎃🍬)

🔲It's when human sacrifice happens & Julius Caesar has accounts of this too!👇

🔲Caesar recalls "figures of immense size were 1 out of twigs they fill with living men & set on 🔥" (YouTube)

🔲The more Criminal these "Living men" were, the better the sacrifice for Gods!

🔲Innocents were🔥too if none were👿like👑Cynon in #ACValhalla.

🔲Why do this?👇

🔲Druids believed in the idea of REBIRTH! This is where we get into #ACValhalla DLC Theories!

🔲Caesar says "the cardinal doctrine they seek to teach is that souls do not die but after death, pass from one to another."(YouTube)

🔲This gave me mad AITA vibes!Here's why👇

🔲Caesar says Celts "Rule of life was in Britain & transferred to Gaul & those who study the subject more accurately, journey (back) to🇬🇧to learn (Druidry)."(Religious)

🔲CELTIC monk Brendan (500s AITA),in #ACValhalla journeyed back to Britain to learn from stones!=Druid!

🔲"'Temples of the Druids' were quiet, secluded areas, like clearings in woods and forests, & stone circles (Stonehenge)"(Historic)

🔲Caesar said Druids "have many discussions as touching the stars..(& about) powers of Immortal Gods."(Religious)

🔲Relates to Brendan👇

#AssassinsCreed's #AssassinsCreedValhalla #DLC Theories: 1

🔲Accuracy: Seeing facts in 10-11/15,Brendan in-game learned more at Stone Circles ie #Stonehenge about trajectory of Nature & the Gods (Isu),makes him a Druid in AC.

🔲There's also meaning behind Title "Druid"👇

#AssassinsCreed's #AssassinsCreedValhalla #DLC Theories: 2 (SPOILER)

🔲"Druid" derives from Gaelic word "doire" meaning oak tree🌲, meant to be wisdom or symbol of knowledge.(Historic)

🔲Trees were BIG for Celts

🔲In #ACValhalla's ending, Yggdrasil🌲 plays big part!👇

#AssassinsCreed's #AssassinsCreedValhalla #DLC Theories: 3 (SPOILER)

🔲 #ACValhalla's Story may be linked back to Brendan of Clonfert (Another Sage?) or the Yggdrasil 🌲machine bc Druids sought Gods (In this case, ISU) knowledge, hence they are part of ORDER OF ANCIENTS!

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