Alright so let’s talk about ten pounds of stolen C4, Camp Lejeune, the marines, and of course nazis. This is probably going to be a long thread but there’s a very distinct pattern here that I think is well worth attention and concern 1/??
The first thing that has to be made clear is that Lejeune is a massive installation, housing tens of thousands of marines/sailors. So by default I want to make it clear that the size of it makes it logistically impossible for this to be indicative of the entire base’s population
However, Lejeune has a history with white supremacists. In the book “Bring the War Home” a fight is noted between black and white soldiers at the base in 1968 which ended in the death of one white soldier. The soldiers claimed that this was a response to on-base klan activity
This fight, which became known as the Camp Lejeune incident, was fairly common for that time. However it, combined with another very well-documented instance of klan organizing at another marine base in california, led to the military’s first investigations into far-right groups
From there let’s fast forward to today. Within the past year the 2nd marine division, stationed at Lejeune, has been present for the theft of 2 rifles, a flak vest, and ten pounds of C4. Within the past 4 years multiple cases of extremist presence on base have been revealed
Correction-mixed up the bases in the last tweet, just swap which one each was stationed at. It's worth noting however, that Chesny was a combat engineer instructor, and Manning was an EOD
Two years after these marines were separated from the corps, the DOJ charged 4 people w conspiracy to manufacture illegal firearms, 4 of those charged were former marines who had been stationed at...Lejeune. And from these charges we arrive at what is known as the Lejeune Cell
The Lejeune cell was a part of Atomwaffen Division, a loosely organized confederacy of accelerationist neo-nazis which originally emerged from the now-defunct Iron March forum. Here is the indictment of the four men
All three marines charged had been stationed at Lejeune simultaneously at some point, and two of them were in the same unit. The indictment shows that Collins claimed to have a "tight-knit group" of ex-military and security, who all trained together.
In the indictment Collins is also praised by two of the other men for how much he sacrificed for the cause, including getting them "gear and training" along with recruiting three other marines
To quote the indictment directly concerning these unnamed co-conspirators/cell members, "HERMANSON also communicated with other Marines from the Camp Lejeune, NC, area, regarding coordinating additional illegal firearms sales through KRYSCUK and building fully automatic rifles."
It goes on to say that in October of 2020, Hermanson recruited and vetted one official new member into the group. The group manufactured illegal suppressors and automatic weapons. The 4 men then trained together in Idaho, filming themselves with SBRs and automatic weapons
The extent of the Lejeune cell's recruiting success is unknown, although one can assume that there were more men than just the 4 charged based on what is said in the indictment. And that brings us to today
As of a year ago the NCIS had made no public progress into the investigation of the missing rifles/flak vest, and then exactly a week ago ten pounds of C4 vanished on the other side of the country
The C4 was stolen from the Twentynine palms combat center in southern California during a training exercise conducted by around 3500 marines, the bulk of which came from Camp Lejeune's 2nd division (the unit shared by two members of the cell) according to the marine corp times
As of now the investigation into the missing C4 is ongoing, and has been taken over by NCIS. However for reference the standard C4 demolition charge is around 1.25 lbs and will handily disable a vehicle, whoever is in possession of the stolen ordnance has 10x that explosive power
Although it's impossible to reach a true conclusion as of now, I feel that the presence of an organized, actively recruiting, neo-nazi terrorist cell on base, along with the history of rw terrorist groups arming themselves via the military, makes their involvement probable
Also shoutout to @MsEntropy for her massive thread of white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement/the military, which came in handy when establishing a timeline of activity at Lejeune (and of course all of her other incredible work as well)
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