Is NEWSMAX a CšŸ¤”A psyop? Did 2 men from the Clown Agency fund it? Tonight you will get one of the craziest threads I've ever done.

Teaser: Snippet of Newsmax's 1st funder. (Left) The late Richard Mellon Scaife [C_A Billionaire]. (Right) Owner of Newsmax w/ Clinton. BFFs?
3) Is NEWSMAX a CšŸ¤”A psyops? Always follow the money! Who funded Newsmax? Who stopped it from going bankrupt in the late 90's? Two high level C_A operatives: Richard Mellon Scaife + Bill Casey.

This is just the beginning! The Newsmax history is CRAZY!
4) Is NEWSMAX a CšŸ¤”A psyops? Ruddy wrote a book on the investigation of Vince Foster's death. It leans toward the idea Foster didn't kill himself, but was murdered. It doesn't blame the Clinton's, but does discusses the Clinton/Foster relationship. Controlled ops?
Op-Ed šŸ‘‡
7) Is NEWSMAX a CšŸ¤”A psyops? Let's get back to Casey & Mellon Schaife (the $$ behind Newsmax). This is a page of some interesting details about their backgrounds. I can't confirm everything here, but a lot of it checks out. It's a lot to dig into.
8) Is NEWSMAX a CšŸ¤” A psyops? C_A contractor Steve Kangas suspiciously dies (suicide or murder?) in Richard Mellon Schaife's office bathroom. It is believed he was working on a book about CIA covert activities before his "untimely demise." 
10) Is NEWSMAX a CšŸ¤”A psyops?

Op-Ed 2: "In 1998, we longtime Ruddy watchers never thought of it (Newsmax) as anything more than a propaganda operation. Ruddy was being rewarded for a job well done in misdirecting the public."

11) Is NEWSMAX a CšŸ¤”A psyops? If Newsmax is in fact a shadow Gov. Psyops, might the plethora of lies be too difficult to remember for a Clown Disinfo Media fake news agency? Hmm....
14) Is NEWSMAX a CšŸ¤”A psyops? @shot_gangster did an incredible thread on Newsmax/Ruddy as well. Please read! Also, give him a follow and RT his hard work. There's not many deep dive truth writers left here, so it's important to get their work out.
15) Is NEWSMAX a CšŸ¤”A psyops? Almost forgot the best part! Ruddy & Bill Clinton flew to Africa 2gether. Ruddy did a puff piece (lies) on Nelson Mandela. With Ruddy having huge access to intelligence, he would have known Mandela was a Masonic phony.
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