And it's Foucauldian???
And she has four advanced degrees, including a Justice Studies PhD she completed while serving in the House?? 
Wild that a Foucauldian and this dude are the swing votes in the upper chamber
We need new lobbying and messaging with her, like, "adding a $15 minimum wage through reconciliation would be the true way we can attack the workings of institutions that appear to be both neutral and independent and thereby unmask the political violence they inflict"
There's a lot of Oxford Handbooks that are gonna need updating after this
Someone ASU PhD student better write this up as a Foucauldian study:

"Manchin and Civilization: A History of Comity in the Age of Reason:

And it's spelled Kyrsten, not Krysten. End of corrections.

Also, note she was in the House 2013-19, and the book came out in 2015.
Here's Sinema on the House floor on 4/29/2014 talking about her research.
Her book has got to be in the top 3 or 5 books written by the current crop of senators. Ed Markey's 1982 book on Nuclear Peril and Warnock's 2014 book (The Divided Mind of the Black Church: Theology, Piety, and Public Witness) also look good
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