The United States and China got their "report cards" from Southeast Asia this week via @ISEAS's 2021 Survey.

This should be required reading for anyone focused on dynamics in Asia. How did we do? Let's take a look...
According to Southeast Asian experts, China remains the region's most influential political and economical power.

But observers say that China's political and economic influence both declined in the last year.
China is also viewed more negatively across the region. Nearly half of Southeast Asians believe China is a revisionist power seeking a regional sphere of influence.

Only 16% are confident China will do the "right thing" and just 7% see China as a status quo or benevolent power.
What is behind worsening of views of China? Mostly a growing sense that Beijing is unreliable and less of a "responsible stakeholder" advancing peace and security.

Over half of respondents worry that China's economic and military power could be used to threaten their country.
So the United States is "winning"? Well... not exactly.

Only Brunei, Laos, and Myanmar favor Beijing over Washington (which represents progress from last year).

Yet Southeast Asians desperately want to avoid having to choose - only 4% say that impartiality is impractical.
The United State did get a major bump though.
(Note: polling was done shortly after Biden won election)

55% of Southeast Asians are confident in the U.S. as a strategic partner (up from 34% last year), and 48% are confident the U.S. will "do the right thing" (up from 30%).
In other good news, 68% of Southeast Asians expect U.S. engagement to increase under Biden (Vietnam and the Philippines are the most skeptical, reflecting progress made by the last administration).

Yet there is still concern about America being distracted and unreliable.
So what does this all mean?

1) China is doing serious damage to itself in Southeast Asia.

2) Regional expectations of the United States are rising.

3) The U.S. has a real opportunity - now it's time to deliver!
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