Brittney’s Moon is at 12° of Aquarius. It’s in the 5th house of creative projects and rules her 10th house of career.

JT’s Sun is at 12° of Aquarius. It rules his ascendant/life direction and is in his 7th house of relationships.
This is exact conjunction between their luminaries is significant, especially because the Moon moves quickly. It speaks to how, after decades of not being together, the impact of the relationship still plays out. Right now, 12° of Aquarius is being activated by transiting Jupiter
Transiting Jupiter is at 12° of Aquarius (and Venus is at 14°).

Jupiter magnifies, maybe above all else, it exaggerates. Britney has a night chart making her Moon and transits to it extra important.
To be clear, JT’s apology does not move me, not in the least, but it’s telling that Jupiter is bringing their dynamic back into focus and he has to address it. Ultimately I hope it’s helpful for her...and helps him learn a lesson or two.
Britney is in a 4th house profection year, making the topics of the 4th house and the planets there extra active. Currently, she’s having a once in a lifetime transit to Venus in her 4th house, from Pluto. The 4th house is the house of parents, specifically father, land, etc.
Venus is also the ruler of her ascendant, any transit to it is important, but this kind of transit is pivotal. This is the kind of astrology that creates a moment that marks ones life in unmistakable ways.
Pluto strips, transforms, puts us through hell, and hopefully helps us understand our agency and power outside of material privilege or societal status.
The documentary and the court case (and the lame apology) are all examples of 2 of the most important planets in someone’s chart being highlighted at the same time.
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