
1/ It is becoming clearer by the day that Coronavirus has been hijacked to implement the great reset.
The vaccine passports are an enabling technology, and are deeply deeply worrying.
2/ Our liberal democracy is being brutally and rapidly torn apart and replaced with a modern fascist technocracy. (democracy has been a façade for almost a year)
I am so ashamed of our politicians, not just allowing this to happen, but many pushing it for it hard.
3/ I don't think the majority of the people have any idea what they are letting happen.
It is almost too late... it probably already is.
Health passports and the beginning of social credit is just months away.
It is the thin end of a wedge that will ultimately ruin your life.
4/ Our leaders/MPs must know what they are doing is wrong. They must know that human rights are being flushed down the toilet.
I keep asking myself how can they do this ? I have no answers. There must be some MPs with deep shame and guilt.
5/ All the freedoms I have had in my life are going to vanish, what you can and can't do is going to be controlled centrally. The gap between the have and have nots will grow.
Miss your booster jab, no travel, no rock concert, no business conference, no pub.
6/ ..then miss your tax payment, no travel, no rock concert... a minor misdemeanour? all of it will go against your credit.

I only hope there is a mass revolt soon. But I cant see it ending well either way, either in conflict, or a miserable future for our children.
7. Please, please wake up before it is too late. All the media and journalists - your lives will be ruined too. Your children's lives. Those supporting it, surely you know this is wrong.
The alarm bells are ringing loudly. Start putting out the fire now..
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