1of4:Let me be clear having served as fmr VP @Mike_Pence’s Homeland Security Advisor:This opening #ImpeachmentTrial salvo by Trump’s defense lawyers is full of bald faced lies-I was in the WH the day Trump orchestrated a violent response to peaceful protestors in Lafayette Sq...
2of4: #Trump used a violent response to peaceful protestors for a law & order campaign moment. He made calculated efforts to play up the Antifa/Law & Order narratives last summer. There were WH mtgs where it was discussed how violence/show of force would help his re-election...
3of4: #Republicans who try to equate BLM protests w/ the insurrection on #Jan6 are simply supporting these false narratives. There is nothing Law & Order about repeatedly preaching violence in the months before & on the day the violence takes place at the Capitol...
4of4:Trump incited the insurrectionists; they killed a cop. He put the lives of Pence/Congress/Staff/Police in danger. It’s the culmination of months & months of his rhetoric-Trump set it all up w/o remorse & did nothing to stop it. #Republicans need to convict. #ImpeachmentTrial
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