The Maryland Senate is now in session and taking up the remaining veto overrides from the 2020 Legislative Session.
In quick order, the Senate has joined the @mdhousedems in overriding a number of bills to lower the cost of prescription drugs, create a more equitable criminal justice system, and create easier access to substance use and mental health resources.
Senate Bill 669 / House Bill 1095 (2020) provides critical funding the first Prescription Drug Affordability Board in the nation. This is just the first step in lowering the cost of prescription drugs in Maryland.

Lifesaving prescriptions shouldn't cost anyone their livelihood.
House Bills 83 and 1336 (2020) continue building a more equitable criminal justice system that expands opportunity and lowers rates of recidivism.
COVID-19 has only increased the importance of ensuring access to substance use and mental health resources is simple and efficient. House Bill 1121 (2020) establishes a necessary system so Marylanders can identify and access vital services in a seamless manner.
Now up is the Blueprint for Maryland's Future - HB 1300 (2020).
If COVID-19 was the Governor’s reason for vetoing the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future in April, it is absolutely the reason for overriding his veto 10 months later.

We have a Blueprint for reversing COVID-19 learning loss. It's time to enact and fully fund it.
Senator @PaulPinsky is speaking to exactly why Maryland needs the Blueprint - it is a comprehensive plan after three years of studying the best public education systems across the globe. The Blueprint provides the resources so *every Maryland child* can maximize their potential.
The Blueprint for MD's Future:
✓ Provides intensive academic support so all students succeed
✓ Drastically expands access to publicly funded pre-k
✓ Creates college and career readiness pathways
✓ Raises teacher salaries
✓ Establishes a robust system of accountability
Senate Majority Leader @Senatornjk points out that there is no better investment than in our children's future - all of our children. The cost of not overriding the Governor's veto is unsustainable for Maryland's economic future.
@SenatorSarah just shared an email she received from a teacher, Megan, in her district that said, "This pandemic has highlighted the stark inequities in our communities... Our students deserve better."

Megan is absolutely right. Our children deserve a second bite at the apple.
Senator @GuyGuzzone, Chair of the Senate Budget & Taxation Committee is detailing the fact that the Blueprint is fiscally prudent and the Governor recognizes that. Despite his veto, Governor Hogan's budget includes almost everything that the Blueprint would have required.
You can follow @MDSenate.
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