a random question thread to answer when you're bored 🧸🎮

just a quick reminder
♣️feel free to skip question (s) if you want to 🚴‍♂️⛷️

♣️have fun 🤗🧸

♣️rt so others can participate too ♥️🎮
Q1. how was your day like??
Q2. how are you feeling at the moment??
Q3. what do valentine mean to you??
Q4. do you have pets??
Q5. who did you last say "i love you" to??
Q6. what is the capital of usa🇺🇸 ??
Q7. do hate anyone??
If yes why??
Q8. do you have a dandy relationship with your parents??
Q9. do you regret anything??
If yes what??
Q10. what is your favorite part of your spouse??
Q11. what is something rebellious you did as a teenager??
Q12. what is the capital of canada 🍁??
Q13. are you a muslim or a christian??
Q14. ever been heartbroken??
Q15. chris brown or the weekend??
Q16. nicki or cardi-b??
Q17. ass or titties??
Q18. money or fame??
Q19. do you find forehead kisses cute??
Q20. what is the capital of uk🇬🇧??
Q21. iPhone or samsung??
Q22. would you kiss the last person you texted??
Q23. do you smoke??
Q24. a weird smell you like??
Q25. quote this with your 2021 best meme atm
Q26. piercing or tattoos??
Q27. in your own opinion what do you think makes relationship weak??
Q28. between male and female who lies most??
Q29. who's the most important person in your life rn??
Q30. when you're in a bad mood, do you prefer to be surrounded by people or left alone??
Q31. text or phone calls??
Q32. are you scared of death??
Q33. pizza or shawarma??
Q34. what's your dream car??
Q35. are you a morning person or a night person??
Q36. whatsapp or telegram??
Q37. twitter or Instagram??
Q38. snapchat or youtube??
Q39. what's your favorite course in university??
Q40. what's that one thing you cherish most about yourself and despice about yourself??
Q41. have you ever give someone a gift on valentine before??
Q42. what's your zodiac sign??
Q43. cutest mutual?? feel free to tag them!
Q44. what song describe your life right now??
Q45. are you where you want to be in life rn??
Q46. delete two out of this option
*50 billion dollars
which two would you delete??
Q47. tom and jerry or pinky and the brain??
Q48. favorite show on Netflix??
Q49. earliest childhood memory??
Q50. would you rather die old or die young??
Q51. what annoys you the most about people??
Q52. do you want to have kids?? how many??
Q53. are you confrontational??
Q54. scariest movie you've ever seen??
Q55. do your parents or guardian do anything for valentine day??
Q56. what's the sweetest thing someone's done for you??
Q57. visit ghana or south africa??
Q58. india movie or korea movie??
Q59. do you believe anyone can a val not just your partner??
Q60. what's your favorite sex movie??
Q61. at what age did you stop collecting money from your parent??
that will be all for today, thanks so much for participating it means a lot and please kindly follow me for more question thread i fb immediately 🥺
did you enjoy the question thread or it's boring..??
Kindly drop me a comment to know if i try or not..
Thank you once again, be careful and stay bless outside there.... @d_reamz ♥️♥️♥️ y'all 🤗🚴‍♀️
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