The quality of your writing will never be the same again after you read these 18 articles.

This is la crème de la crème in terms of writing.

Featured: @paulg, @ScottAdamsSays, @Julian, @jessievbreugel, @morganhousel, @khemaridh, @nivi, @jspector & @jmikolay among others.
Paul Graham. Everything you need to know about writing in 424 words. Start writing to generate ideas and share to build on them. 

By @paulg
Jessie Van Breugel (The Brave Writer). Why writing online is the best thing you can do to hone your skills. Tips and tricks to go from amateur to pro.

By @jessievbreugel in @thebravewriter
Paul Graham: Why your writing should be useful. Importance, novelty, correctness and strength are the key ingredients for a successful essay. 

By @paulg
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