The Founders on Twitter


-never tweets himself
-account curated by staff
-usually Hamilton using the account
-doesn't follow anyone
-only tweets official statements

-fights with everyone in lengthy threads
-always somehow the first person to show up in Jefferson's replies
-dunk tweets his haters through sock puppet accounts
-sometimes accidentally tweets from the Washington account
-thirsty on main, but only in DMs

-thinks he's he's a Trump-tier poaster, is actually the Lincoln Project
-blocks people for petty reasons
-obviously writes his own tweets bc they're all so obnoxious
-gets ratioed every week
-even other Federalists don't RT him

-claims he doesn't doxx people but 100% doxxes people
-master of the subtle subtweet
-periodically tweets random stuff about science
-runs a block chain on anyone who mentions Sally Hemings

-king-tier poaster
-comms director schedules Poor Richard tweets every day from the account
-savage quote tweeter
-boosts his engagement with French bot accounts
Patrick Henry:

-used to be normal but now rage tweets in all caps
-got really into Q
-all the other Founders ignore him

-every day is thread day
-RTs threads from obscure wonk accounts
-actually engages thoughtfully in the replies
John Marshall:

-mostly RTs Federalists
-Nukes his account after ascending the federal bench
-all of his tweets after becoming Chief Justice are carefully crafted subtweets of Jefferson and Jackson
Samuel Adams

-lots of gun posts and motivational quotes
-reviews craft beers
-super into gold and crypto
Paul Revere

-his main account is for his business
-runs an alt called "Daily Updates on the Location of British Regulars"
Because he's my avi:

Rufus King

-mostly RTs other Federalists and official Federalist Party tweets
-has to fight off southerners in the replies when he tweets against slavery
-doesn't tweet that often because of his diplomatic assignments
Even though he's not technically a founder

Andrew Jackson

-viciously dunk tweets his own cabinet, ESPECIALLY Calhoun
-name searches and challenges his haters to duels
-constantly @ s the British embassy
-relentlessly retweets and tags his own haters
-sometimes yells in all caps

-RTs the Washington and Hamilton accounts all the time
-constantly @ s Louis XVI trying to get him to send more aid
-subtweets Jefferson and the Virginians about slavery
Pretty much all of the Virginians will privately DM you that they're against slavery, but with lengthy explanations about why they can't do anything about it at the moment
John Randolph of Roanoke

-Tweets about anime, probably has an anime avi
-RTs links to his Moldbug/NRX fan blog
-yearns on main about wanting a based trad bride
John Qunicy Adams

-constantly fighting off people trying to @ his dad who @ him by mistake
-blocks anybody who says he engaged in a corrupt bargain
-tweets insanely long threads that nobody actually bothers to read
with appropriate credit to @TheDonStein , who is far too modest to take credit for these things

-has tweeted maybe 5 times in his life
-pins a Hamilton tweet to his page
-links to his legal philosophy blog that he clearly doesn't update that often
John Jay
James Monroe

-not a good enough poster to produce truly solid oc
-mostly just tweets whatever Madison and Jefferson tell him to
-original tweets based on stuff he reads on Jeffersonian blogs, but it's just not the same
Mason Weems

-runs a George Washington fan account that people engage with thinking it's actually GW
Aaron Burr

-would really rather you not mention The Incident, may even block you for it
-blocks Jefferson
-nukes his tweets every week to make it harder to quote tweet dunk him later
-definitely boosts engagement with a bot farm
For those asking, Gouverneur Morris is just thirsty on main, Luther Martin drinks too much to be a good poster
John Dickinson

-Thoughtful, but not a particularly entertaining follow
-hates dunking, and doesn't like to pick fights with people
George Wythe and John Witherspoon mostly hang out on academic twitter. They retweet other academics and aren't as involved in the partisan political stuff
Elbridge Gerry

Has some opinions he'd like to share on legislative redistricting
Pinckney and Rutledge

-Republicans rage tweet at them for being Federalists
-other Federalists have them muted because they won't stop defending slavery
John Paul Jones

-rarely tweets bc data access at sea is limited
-when on shore, tweets about how he doesn't get enough recognition for his work
-rage tweets at Russian aristocrats who don't fully trust him
James Callender

-paid by Jefferson to run a "Federalists Posting their Ls Online" account
-after Jefferson throws him under the bus, he starts publishing screen caps of TJ's DMs
Edmund Pendleton and St. George Tucker

-both pretty much stick to legal twitter
-RT and get RT'd by Virginians
-loyal following on Virginia Twitter, but not well known elsewhere
Another excellent Tom Paine take
Charles Carroll of Carrollton

-the original Normie Trad of American Weird Catholic Twitter
-tries to be Catholic enough to satisfy the church, but not so much to weird out the New England Federalists
-instablocks random Protestant trolls who crawl into his mentions unsolicited
Benjamin Rush

-mostly medical takes and facts about science
-has a pinned tweet with a link to buy Rush's Thunderbolts
-gets dunked and blocked by evangelicals for being a universalist
Abigail Adams

-has a lot of thoughts about education
-relentlessly dunk tweets John's haters
-never @ s Jefferson out of personal respect, but reserves the right to sub tweet
Von Steuben

-his tweets make no sense because he doesn't understand English well enough to tweet in English
-account gets spammed with replies from people who think Prussia is "based"
-Franklin RTs his account boost his credibility
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