Scaremongering votes by demonizing is a long-standing practice.

Notably, many of the transphobic talking points (bathrooms! locker rooms! harming our children!) are the same ones they used against gay, lesbian and bi folks in the 80s and 90s. Reuse, reduce, retruamatize.
Of course, as more people have come out as queer in more places, homophobia isn't as effective, and GLBQ rights are more established now. So they are moving on. I suspect--hope--that in 10 years this, too, will be untenable and people of all genders will be safe, but +
a) Our job is to fight for and protect trans and intersex and nonbinary and GNC people now, today (including kids and teens!!!!)

b) Nothing is a given. What we do now will significantly impact what happens later. So the work is the same today.
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