Self-doubt is self-protection.

Self-doubt is simply the mind's reaction to leaving the conditioned self.

// A Thread //

All of us experience self-doubt.

All of us.


Self-doubt is protection.

Understanding + witnessing self-doubt in this way allows us to access more self-compassion.
Every time we attempt to do something outside of our conditioning

— we get all sorts of mental resistance.
Mental resistance looks like fear-based thoughts of procrastination + doubt.

“I shouldn’t even try.”

“I’ll start tomorrow”

“Who am I to do x”

“I can’t”

“there’s no point.”
This is the mind doing what it always does:

attempting to keep us in the familiar.

Repeating the same patterns.

Reacting the same way.

Thinking the same predictable thoughts.
What the mind can predict, feels safe.

Of course, it also keeps us stuck in our past.

When self-doubt comes up for me (+ it does alllllll the time) I work to allow it.

Accept that it comes.

Understand it’s protection— not the truth.
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