Being a Pharmacist has made me a bit secretive and this has earned me the trust and confidence from my patients/clients.

Patient confidentiality is a set of rules/guidelines that limits the Pharmacists/other HCPs from divulging the information of a patient/client to anyone

The confidence your client has developed in you, that his/her information is safe with you irrespective of whoever requires to get such info is what is called trust on the aspect of the client to the HCP. Thus, on no account must you share info regarding your client to others

You're only permitted to discuss a patient info, if it is aimed at improving the health condition(s) of the patient with other HCP & in some cases(if not all) the consent of the patient is needed before doing such.
Narrowing this Patient Confidentiality to #CommunityPharmacist
Most Community Pharmacists have become too friendly with the other Pharmacy staff that they see it as a privilege discussing client cases with Pharmacy staff who are not Pharmacist.

For a client to work into the Pharmacy & demand to see the Pharmacist, that alone is enough..

4/ point out that such person don't want his/her information on the lips & ears of everyone.

It's highly despicable, unethical & unprofessional to discuss & laugh about the case of a young lady who confided to a HCP about not seeing her menstrual flow & she is suspecting to.. pregnant & seeking for medical advice. After confiding such info to you, if you in turn discuss it with your shop floor staff & make mockery of such individual on the basis of she has gone to "open leg for man, now she is looking for abortion pills"..that is a very wrong
As a #communityPharmacist I have gone out of my way to protect relationships from breakups provided is not against the ethical values of my profession.

I have treated Ladies of STIs, UTIs & Vaginosis, who will tell me not to tell there male partners what they're treating for

One of the ladies, went ahead to tell me if her guy persist to know the meds she is taking, I should tell the guy is malaria tablets

There are also cases where clients have worked in with unlabeled drugs that looks like ARTs & asked me to help them identify the drugs...

Client: Pharm, please help me identify this drug, I found it in my guy's locker, & he takes it every morning saying it's multivitamin for me & he won't tell me the name of the multivitamin
Me: Oh! Ma, it's just like every other meds, do well to ask your guy

Finally, Patient Confidentiality builds patient confidence, trust and dependability that their secrets are safe with the Pharmacist & other HCPs

Love|Peace and Light ✌🏾


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