WARNING: Unpopular #nbpoli thread ahead.

I see plenty of folks being upset that the government is paying for apartments for those whose principal residence is outside Fredericton. Fair enough.

But I do have a reminder....
So, we know when Liberal staff relocated, those expenses were a scandal. What if someone doesn’t get an apartment AND does not relocate, but charges travel from their home, is that OK?

That was the subject of a huge scandal in the McKenna years with judges’ travel.
So getting an apartment is bad.
Relocating is bad.
Travelling from home? Bad.

How do we feel about hotels? That’s usually the most costly option. Very, very bad.

My point is not that we shouldn’t question these expenses, especially in times of austerity.

My point is that we often get angry in a vacuum, without realizing that every available alternative would make us angrier.

But decisions are about the alternatives.
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