Today, the DfT has released a report looking at what convinces people to stop driving and use public transport or active travel instead.

One of the findings is that hearing stories from people who have made the switch helps folks switch themselves.

So, lets share stories!
Here's my switching story: I've never been a driver -- but I did spend a big chunk of my life taking ubers late at night, or in places where public transport connections were patchy.
I always felt guilty about it. I knew Uber was a rubbish company that exploited its workers and congested our cities. Also I get really horrid car sickness, so the rides were both metaphorically and physically sickening to me.
When the pandemic hit I wanted to make sure I wouldn't replace trains and buses with ubers and at first I thought that would mean never going further than a walking distance away from my home.
But then @RailtonLTN came along -- and all of a sudden I had the space to build my confidence riding a bike -- something I never thought I'd be capable of doing.
It was scary at first, but not for as long as I thought -- and very quickly cycling became my go to means of transport for journeys too far to walk -- the furthest I've gone so far is 10 miles and that wasn't too difficult either, to my surprise!
Now I couldn't imagine ever getting an uber. A bike would always be my first choice -- either mine or one of the hire bikes dotted around the city. And since I got a basket for my birthday I can carry loads now too.
You can follow @SarahJ_Berry.
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