0/ I am switching my newsletter to @revue.

You should too.

Here's why

1/ Revue is Twitter. Twitter is the future.

Twitter acquired Revue and is coming out with Spaces.

I am hot on Twitter. I think they are going to crush Substack and Clubhouse.

I'm not the only one in this company...
2/ Here's an image from @petergyang's newsletter

Twitter is a place to:

1. Publish content
2. Grow and own your audience
3. Make money
3/ For a long time Twitter was just a place to publish content and maybe grow your audience.

@revue is a step towards helping creators GROW and OWN their audience

This seems ironic to me, but it makes sense

Why would a social platform encourage creators to own their audience?
4/ Doesn't Twitter want people to stay on their platform? Isn't that how they make money?

Yes. However, enabling creators to grow their audience ON their platform...

That opens up lots of opportunities for creators and Twitter alike.
5/ Once Twitter enables users to grow and own their audience, the next step is to help them monetize. This is the bread and butter.

This is what Youtube has figured out. If you can do it for video, why not for text?

Twitter is right there.
6/ Another appeal to using @revue is that they make it super easy to add threads using their web clipper.

This is super helpful. With tools like substack, you have to copy and paste it in there. Sure it looks pretty, but it's a pain in the ass to copy and paste.
7/ I write lots of threads. But, they get buried and people never see them.

The solution for this is the retweet them every once in a while.

But now, I can EASILY package them into a newsletter and send them out to subscribers. This is a huge sell for me on @revue
8/ I'm not the only one who is hot on Twitter

ALL mentioned the potential of Twitter this week in their newsletters 👇
9/ Twitter will Take Flight in the Creator Economy @petergyang
10/ How Twitter got its Groove Back @packyM
11/ Overhauling Twitter by @profgalloway
12/ Twitter is about to BLOW UP

My prediction?

@revue is coming for @substack

@TwitterSpaces is coming for @joinClubhouse
13/ If you enjoyed this, follow me for more threads on how to dominate the creator economy.

You can find all of my threads in the meta-thread below. https://twitter.com/austinschless/status/1357185332354113543?s=20
You can follow @austinschless.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

Latest Threads Unrolled:

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