This is instinctively jarring, but: I think there is a conservative case to be made for colourblind casting in historical drama.
To expand on this a bit: I absolutely agree that this kind of thing is often done cynically, to own the cons, or pander, or to pretend that contemporary levels of multiracialism are nothing out of the ordinary from a historical perspective.
However, my basic take on it is that even if you wouldn't start from here, Britain is now a multiracial country and we need to think about how to maintain some sense of patriotism, cohesion, tradition & national identity in the long term.
What that means: articulating a patriotism of place, since other grounds for strong patriotism - religious or ethnic or philosophical unity - are unavailable. So, among other things, we tell ppl that now they live here, this is their place & it has a particular - great - history.
Some people are saying "OK, can a white guy play MLK?" Well no, because MLK being black is absolutely central to his historical significance in a way that Anne Boleyn being white isn't to hers.
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