Just one more word on this #GinaCarano thing.

I've seen a lot worse things than what she last posted. But, bear in mind, this was part of a pattern of this behavior...such as THIS 👇which is absolutely and aggressively antisemitic.
Again, freedom of speech ≠ freedom from consequences.

Conservatives are happy to see moralizing capitalism until it doesn't work in their favor.

Corporations are free to end their financial partnerships with people they think are damaging their brand.
Yes, this also applies to conservative organizations (see Christian universities with morality clauses).

It may be that Disney et al have a moral objection or it may be that they are reading the room and fear a loss of profit if they support store brand Xena Warrior Princess.
To be clear: this does not extend to refusing service based on race/gender/sexual preference/etc (at least in my view) or to terminating people based on those protected criteria.

But "cancel culture" is about the consequences of speech, not freedom of speech.
P.S.- Part of a public presence is curating yourself. Some may see this as self-censorship or being "muzzled." Others simply as marketing themselves and protecting their economic interests or not being dumb.

(This is why I will no longer comment on jumpers v. sweaters.)
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