1/ Eggs. What we know and how much we don't know. A thread on why you should eat them, a lot of them. Info from this comprehensive paper:


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2/ worth pointing out from the start that we know almost nothing about what eggs are doing, 550 identifed proteins and we just about understand 20 of them...
3/ Some basic nutrition
4/ proteins, both yolk and white. Worth noting the white is full of lysozyme, a potent antimicrobial compound
5/ Lipids, a rich mix of saturated and unsaturated fats
6/ Carbs, essentially negligible
7/ Crucial point there, skip the vitamin supplements, just eat eggs, they have the full vitamin complement
8/ Minerals, eat eggs to combat depression
9/ This is where it gets interesting, some of the more unknown compounds are potentially linked to protecting intestinal health
10/ The anti microbial, viral, fungal and parasitic molecules in eggs
11/ The antioxidant properties of eggs are so strong the authors recommend supplementing with egg yolks to protect your health
12/ Research is beginning to show the anti cancer agents found in eggs
13/ Far from causing inflammation, egg lysozyme and other proteins seem to reduce inflammation and act to modulate the immune system
14/ Similarly with hypertension, yolk proteins inhibit the ACE enzyme, helping to lower blood pressure
15/ The conclusion here is eat eggs, cooked or raw, even the authors admit that raw yolks contain the highest nutrition.
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