Who's ready for a November special session of the #moleg??? https://twitter.com/mcpli/status/1360207180406935554
Also I imagine this means that state legislative redistricting won't be completed until early 2022. I wonder if #moleg will consider moving the start of filing to March or April.
Actually, I'm looking at the text of Amendment 3 right now: The commissions for state House and Senate maps have to be appointed within "sixty days after the population of this state is reported to the President for each decennial census of the United States."
Then the commissions have five months to submit a tentative map and six months to submit a final map. Let's say the commissions are appointed quickly, if the population numbers are ready in September, the deadline to create districts will be in March or April 2022.
But the problem is that these commissions historically deadlock, which would mean a panel of appellate judges would have 90 days to draw House and Senate maps. That means June or July 2022 unless the judges act quickly.
I guess the issue here is what's the definition of "the population of this state is reported to the President?" Could it come sooner than September so the #moleg process begins before September? If not, then there's going to be a big ole mess next year!
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