The National Retail Association received a one-off $880,000 grant from Peter Dutton in 2018 for a project that would assist retailers to “deter, detect, delay and respond to a terrorist attack”.

But who are they? They wouldn't say who their members are or who they represent 1/2
The NRA chair is Mark Brodie, close friend & business partner of former QLD premier Campbell Newman.

Brodie attracted attention for hosting secret fundraisers for the LNP before last year’s QLD election.

$880K to a group with strong links to LNP
3/3 The closer you look, the grubbier it seems.

And likely to be more to come.

But nothing to see here, say Morrison and Dutton.

Yeah right
I've been through the training and development section of their website and there is nothing I could find about assisting retailers to “deter, detect, delay and respond to a terrorist attack”, which was what the grant was for, apparently.

I wonder what the $$$ were used for
And I wonder if they were required to account for the $880K - prove how they spent it - or if it was given with no strings attached, no reporting requirements.

I can't find any mention on their website of the $880K grant, maybe someone else can 
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