I've been watching sectors of the gender crit movement getting increasingly friendly with the Right and vice versa. It's important for people to understand that many conservatives and right-wing Christians are not put off by gender crit "feminism" in any way.
Plenty of conservatives will happily work with transphobic "feminists" and gay people in order to oppose trans people. They don't care if their allies are going off about patriarchy, they care about getting laws passed and will work with anyone they need to to make that happen.
With the Women Picket DC event I've been tweeting about, I could easily see them drawing in a lot of sympathetic conservative women who also want to keep trans women out of women's spaces and sports. They will almosy definitely have conservative speakers at the march.
I've been watching right-wing women endorse gender crit "feminism" for years now. They'll work with goddess-worshiping lesbian separatists if it will help them oppose trans people. They're very pragmatic, not ideological purists at all.
And meanwhile, many gender crits/rad fems are getting more and more comfortable working with the Right and talking about how the Left has "abandoned" them and "women as a sex class". They're also willing to unite with any other transphobic group that can get shit done.
I was disturbed when rad fems/gender crits started working with the Right around 2016-2017 and it's only gotten worse since then. The Right only cares about winning and they clearly see some benefit from working with "feminists" and transphobic gay people. It's worth monitoring.
When bigoted women from different political backgrounds start uniting to go after the people they hate, watch out. Bad shit happened in the past when first-wave white "feminists" allied with white supremacists. Bad shit could come from right-wing women working with gender crits.
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