This is not calling out Bailey; this is just an observation.
This is the kind of thing the Superman gatekeepers are afraid of. That the image of a Superman that doesn’t conform to their emotional perception of the character will be the thing that sparks interest.
Whatever the current, popular pop culture image of a character is tends to be what dominates the general public’s perception until the next thing comes along. When you’re trying to control the perception of a character what you don’t want is some rogue variation to be the one
that does that job, especially with a character like Superman that you think is OBLIGED to fulfill a certain meta-narrative role in the world. If a version of the character that you don’t approve of becomes popular then you run the risk of losing your preferred version for the
next however long the cycle takes. That’s why they’re so afraid of the movies, because movies have a power that other media doesn’t - don’t ask me why; I don’t make the rules. So the image of a black clad, scowling, laser eyed Superman being something that is lighting people’s
interest in a film the gatekeepers have been trying to destroy has got to be very troubling.
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