[Thread] Black Or BAME/POC?

I personally don’t use the term ‘BAME’, because it wasn’t a term that we came up with and no one really self identifies with or introduced themselves as ‘BAME’
That being said, in terms of policy and which politics to pursue. I believe liberation should be made possible to as many people as possible. The black radical tradition has consistently sought to situate black liberation amongst liberation of oppressed people all over
Why? Because often times, the same systems that are oppressing black people are also oppressing others. Meaning? Dismantling those systems is the priority that will also help and liberate others
I also don’t think it’s helpful that we argue over who experiences racism worse or that we engage in oppression olympics. I believe a healthier and more productive question is ‘how does racism affect us all?’
Now, that’s not to say there isn’t specific black issues. And when the issues only pertain to black people we should centre black voices and pursue ways to tackle and remedy those issues.
There are a lot of intracommunity discussions to be had. Ranging from internalised white supremacy to defining what is black pride to empowerment
Anti blackness is real and global
But I am not concerned nor do I care if a white person hates me or dislikes me. (It would be better if they didn’t. But hey. I can’t control that).
Everyone has prejudice. So I can’t come and make myself tired trying to convince others that their irrational hatred of my black skin is a problem.
What is a problem is if their prejudice/anti blackness disrupts my quality of life. What is a problem is if they have the power to act upon their anti blackness.
As Stokeley Carmichael/ Kwame Ture said “If a white man wants to lynch me, that’s his problem. If he’s got the power to lynch me, that’s my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude; it’s a question of power’
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