How to enter a room with confidence.

You walk the way you think.

You think the way you walk.

One of the most important sides of body language is the way people walk.

Afterall before evening opening your mouth, you'll need to get there so they can hear what you'll say.

The steps you take, the way you do it; are a direct reflection of your thoughts and mental state.
Someone waking with their head high, not looking down; wide shoulders and a looking around them

Are obviously the type of people to radiate confidence.

Their walking position exudes the feeling that they are not people you should fuck with.
People communicate through their body and walk.

Through that, you can tell how much you can be insisting or even to which extent they expect you to respect them.

Someone looking down and folded on himself on the other hand...

That person is telling everyone they can be abused.
The more space you take around you when you walk, the more open to the external world you are

The more you communicate your confidence and will to fight.

Someone who tries to be as small as possible is someone that is ashamed to be seen. They have stuff to hide.

Like what?
Like themselves.

Those people are not confident enough to deal with people's eye pressure.

They believe themselves not to be worthy to be looked at.

You don't need to be a genius to think...

Why should you respect someone like that?

They don't expect you to respect them.
Next time you walk into a room; make sure you take as much physical space as you can.

Impose your presence on the people around you.

Conquer the physical space and you'll win half of the psychological battle.

This applies to business even more accurately.
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