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This is something that I would like to call... " #ThomasLies." ---> Who is "Thomas Royko?" @PeoplesParty_US Tech Working Group Coordinator. U/N: @ThomasRoyko -- Blocked me for TELLING THE TRUTH. A Thread... #PeoplesParty #RecallMPP #UnfollowMPP #MPTea #PPTea
Here, Thomas LIES to @anthonyzenkus
about the #PeoplesParty Interest Conflict Clause in the Volunteer Agreement. #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #PeoplesParty #UnfollowMPP
Lying to @anthonyzenkus should NOT be a thing that is tolerated. A receipt linked to me... #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #PeoplesParty #UnfollowMPP
Next Thomas LIE is about the "fan group" distinction regarding MPP/PP "political outreach groups" like "Black Voters for a People's Party." Fact? An apology was PROMISED but NEVER delivered. They just removed doc language. #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #PeoplesParty #UnfollowMPP
Never LIE to an ACTUAL Black Woman from Chicago about "apologies" NEVER delivered in private let alone public, just "promises" of one. Ask & Demand Thomas for the public apology on Slack dated in Dec 2020. Bet he has NONE. #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #PeoplesParty #UnfollowMPP
Thomas LIES about "pointing out things patently false." Oh, quite the contrary. He is COMPLICIT in creating propaganda fodder like you may have saw in the so-called "response statement to ORLA." #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #PeoplesParty #UnfollowMPP
Apologies to Mr. @JacobHeaton96 but Thomas LIED to you. MPP/PP is NEVER "policy driven." They are "Celebrity Left," social media, & PR driven. He's their tech minion. Remember, they consider themselves "center-right populist progressive." #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #UnfollowMPP
There's this thing about screenshots unaltered, unedited, & straight up real. Lying to @JacobHeaton96 should be criminal & Thomas should NOT get away with it. #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #PeoplesParty #UnfollowMPP
Sooo, @fToRrEeEsSt was also LIED to by Thomas. Although it's true that the Advisory Council is only for advice, what he conveniently left out is that @nick_brana said that his "CC is the top most deciding body in his org." It's top down. #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #UnfollowMPP
There's ABSOLUTELY nothing "horizontal, democratic, OR transparent" about MPP/PP. It is set up to be a cult to @nick_brana. NDAs included & guaranteed. Don't get sucked &/or suckered into the BULLSHIT. #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #PeoplesParty #UnfollowMPP
Oh this Thomas LIE is classic. For over 3 YEARS now, there has been talk of a "democratic structure & elections where MPP/PP members can vote." Problem: Nobody in power incl him was EVER "elected" & that convention may NOT happen. #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #UnfollowMPP
And of course, 1 thing that Thomas LOVES to do is LIE to parents of disabled persons WHILE using his own disability as "reason he can say & do whatever." The "chart" reference is to a Pdf of an always incomplete org chart. #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #PeoplesParty #UnfollowMPP
How do I know that he is LYING to @wildheart4vr? Easy. The @PeoplesParty_US CC NEVER does anything unless you point out something & even then, it's either NEVER done OR done quarter ass. Forget half or full ass. #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #PeoplesParty #UnfollowMPP
This is in fact a funny ass LIE from Thomas. @eynelys is NOT credible on shit. Just a Latina Token for the Coordinators Circle used to vilify & defame mistreated & purged vols unjustly. MPP/PP sucked ass w/ #ForceTheVote. #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #PeoplesParty #UnfollowMPP
A big circulated Thomas LIE is about the judicial arm of MPP/PP that they rage demoted in their org chart. The CC gave a DIRECTIVE to 1 of their "Pro Mediators" over Regen Culture to negotiate w/ petitioners as proxy. Nobody "asked." #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #UnfollowMPP
Also, Thomas ❤️S peddling this @PeoplesParty_US propaganda LIE that the "Petitioners Grp was led by ORLA." Newsflash: It NEVER was. I mean, NEV-ER. I was a REAL petitioner. That's how I know. @eynelys was NOT 1 while I was. #ThomasLies #MPTea #RecallMPP #PeoplesParty #UnfollowMPP
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