I don't think people grasp how much Covid-19 is accelerating a pre-existing trend towards deglobalization. The speed of this change has acute impacts on people with family arrangements that were formed in the globalized world. Not being able to take holidays are the least of it. https://twitter.com/Channel4News/status/1359844568372555777
I'm still over the threshold in support of this policy, but @mcslaven has been right that the discourse has been too simplistic. There needs to be acknowledgement and consideration of the unequal impacts of travel restrictions on different groups. https://twitter.com/mcslaven/status/1358096132782571522
Universities seem acutely at risk here, but not in the way I would have predicted a year ago. It seems likely international study will remain feasible for younger students, but many academics are parents with aging relatives in other countries. Really difficult to make that work.
Deglobalisation and the shift to remote can be a plus if you are young/single. If tourism fades, there's likely to be more opportunities for medium-to-longer term travel as countries seek to attract economic migrants. Much harder to sustain a family across borders, though.
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