An Unequal Crisis: new research for @YF_Foundation and @blagravetrust on emerging impacts on youth employment.
We know young people have been hard hit - this analysis shows that Black and Asian people, men and those in southern England are bearing brunt 1/
Young people most affected by lay-offs and weak hiring into entry level roles in services/ professions, but also by the sorts of jobs hit hardest in this crisis - with big falls in elementary services (pubs/bars/rests), caring (childcare mainly), skilled trades 2/
So far, these impacts appear to be disproportionately impacting young men and young Black and Asian people - with the latter seeing falls 4x and 3x higher than for white people.
Really worrying, with the employment 'gap' these minority groups rising to >25 percentage points. 3/
We think it's very likely this is largely being driven by occupational/sectoral factors at moment.
Within this tho, it's also likely they are benefiting less than other young ppl from employment growth - which has been in often higher skilled jobs related to pandemic response 4/
Worryingly too, these unequal impacts on jobs are also being seen in education participation - with again Black and Asian young people and men being less likely to have taken up education instead of work. Meaning participation overall is falling. 5/
These unequal impacts - on groups and types of jobs - also feed through into a slightly surprising regional picture, with London, southern England, Scotland and Wales seeing far larger falls than northern England so far. 6/
This is early analysis but does suggest that we need a far more nuanced response to how we support young people through this crisis.
There is a *lot* of support announced or in train for young people, but it needs to deliver for those who are losing out and need it most 7/
Which means in particular ensuring we're reaching those most disadvantaged, helping all young people into growth jobs, and that we deliver on a guaranteed offer of a good job or training before any young person reaches long-term unemployment. 8/
Finally - this is first part of a project with @IPPR, @claremcneil1, @carsjung looking at how we do that, and in particular at future jobs growth. So watch this space for more...
And thanks to @DafniPapoutsaki for work on this report too! 9/9
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