little things i love about punz: a thread
how he pronounces dandelion “dandy lion”
his humming when he’s focusing
how he saves the fish in his cod bucket whenever he can even though it takes time
how he sometimes replies to the “____ is new, say hi!” messages in chat
they way he pronounce words like “house” and “mouse”
the way he always supports and hypes up his friends
how he’s so good at narrating everything he does in game
when he looks at chat and tries not to laugh at us
when he insults minecraft mobs and calls them ugly
the way he loves teaching us all his speedrunning strats (professor punz)
how he always said “we need to do this” and “that’s good for us” instead of saying i
how he calls any bad thing dog____, like dog water, dog shit, dog ass, etc
how he thanks every single alert even though he’s growing at such a fast rate
how in among us he always really wants cyan but if someone else takes it first he always rationalizes to himself who deserves that color more before asking
when he leaves to get water/food/bathroom and reminds us all to do little self care checks like drink water and brush our teeth
when he gets really proud of chat for knowing bttv
how he goes through his merch and fanart hashtag all the time because he loves his community
how he loves that he’s able to help calm people down and help them sleep with his streams
how when someone says that he saved them he always responds with “you saved yourself”
how he always rubs his face or his eyes when he’s just sitting reading chat
and last put not least, how he’s created such and chill and loving community and such a safe environment for many people. love you punz💙

(also feel free to add any additional little things you love about punz that i forgot)
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