Most of my big life decisions right now account for a belief there's a significant chance that the US ceases to be functional in the next 20 years as a federation, and ceases even in name to exist in my lifetime, and how to hedge against that.
How do I distribute my time, energy, and assets to deal with different types of breakdown?

* Rule of law
* Monopoly on violence
* Travel within the continental US
* Financial systems
Unless people like me (capitalist/intelligentsia/Jewish/right wing) are getting -actively hunted down-, I'm probably not leaving the US.
So given that, how do I prepare my life, my children's life, and my grandchildren's lives to succeed as much as possible with a changing order?

How can I take advantage of new opportunities, maximize upsides, and minimize risks?
Merely storing assets in foreign currencies isn't enough - in fact, there's a very good chance if the US goes down those economies or obligations get totally fucked.
Land that you don't live near can be appropriated.

Central digital assets can be repossessed (e.g. stock).

Gold is an iffy investment if things -don't- go to shit, and can also make you a target if they do.
My asset distribution is almost entirely index funds, but I've recently moved my monthly auto-investments to a 85% index / 15% crypto portfolio.

Ammunition, tools, land (my house; immediate term) are also hedges.
A full workshop, a ton more printed books, etc., these are things that are even more core against types of outcomes I hope aren't very likely but would be devastating if they happen.
This is also why I told my best friend I'd pay for him to move from wherever in the country he was to wherever I settled in a few years.

A true friend, a bosom companion, is an asset that cannot so easily be priced - and we're on the same page.
I'm tremendously lucky no one in my immediate closest friends and family thinks I'm crazy about this.

My mom sent me a blacksmithing fundamentals book. My wife is getting her ham radio license.
Even with this social support, I'm afraid I'm not taking it seriously enough. There have been so many points since 2014 where something I should have seen coming blinded me because of status quo bias.

I don't have the opposite bias, happening bias, luckily, some of you do.
But we must look reality in the eye if we want to come out on top of Interesting Times, with our descendants poised to take the world.

Are you prepared for catastrophe? Are you prepared for -not- catastrophe? Do your preparations reflect your predictions? Think the unthinkable.
The panic over food in covid area is going to cease at some point.

Is a year of food for you and your family worth 5 grand? I say it probably is. There's suppliers.

Don't tell your neighbors unless you trust them. If you have land, bury it.
Why Texas?

Texas has national identity, it has Vigor, it's on the Gulf (it can't be isolated like a number of other red states can), it has military assets and culture, it has oil. In other words, it is (imo) the top American successor state.
Sorry, this thread is a bit scattered.

There's Certain Collections of Knowledge I'm planning on spending quite a bit of money to keep a full backup of. Just in case. Eventually maybe a book binding machine, just in case.

Maybe this becomes detritus for my children someday.
All states die. Sometimes there are inter-state histories that provide a link (monarchies, for example). Sometimes merely the people stay the same.

To make sure your family persists through history, it is your job to prepared for this state, this paradigm to pass.
I am not a trad ill at ease in modernity.

I am a stereotypical exemplar of what you'd expect from a patriotic American with Jewish and Anglo heritage. I am the man of high modernism. I am the striver, the climber, the off white business card buyer.

And I'm saying to buckle up.
When your tweets get more attention you're supposed to shill, right?

@MorlockP 's "Escape the City: a How-To Homesteading Guide"

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Aristillus, an 'American-tech-right' forum (application): 
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