Registered paramedics in Australia. The Paramedicine Board of Australia has released the latest registrant data for the period ending 31 Dec 2020.
There are 20611 #paramedics - an increase of 488 since Sept 2020. Source. 
Based on registration data, some 61% of the #paramedic workforce is <40 years of age and 81% is <50 years of age. However, Australian #paramedics are perceived to have a relatively long career life compared to some jurisdictions. @NYCEMSwatch @ChiefMNolan @AACE_org
Student #enrolments remain strong with (nominally) >9000 students in #accredited #degree courses in 2020. Early indications are that overall numbers will be maintained in 2021, with new course programs coming on line in the Northern Territory. 
Based on a June 2020 assessment, the indicative proportion of registrants not employed by the ambulance sector is ~28% or about 5800 registered paramedics - many of whom would be available to support #COVID testing, tracking & #vaccination programs. 
The proportion of #female #paramedics continues to increase, with #women now 45% of registrants (50% in South Australia).
Australian #ambulance services have embraced a #gender #diversity & #leadership agenda, but more extensive reporting of ethnic diversity is suggested.
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