Why we the 130 crore Indians, who used to be the example for the whole world for the unity in diversity, got so narrow minded and turned foolish enough to fight with our own people, that also just for the sake of a threat which was never there.
Just look around and contemplate
Where we have reached. Can u quote one single day when we were happy and looked at each other with love.
Friends wake up please. Still this damage is reversable, let's shun the fake fears and stop doubting each other. Hindu, Muslim,Sikh, Isai we all r one.
Just kick out leader of any party who talks of divisive politics. They r making fool out of us and gradually controlling our lives.Think of our own future. Where we are headed to? what will be the future of our children, of the coming generations? Where/when will this all stop?
Will it be going on like this only till infinity? What we have aimed to achieve out of all this? Short time winnings over others is pushing us all in deep dark dungeons.
I request you with folded hands please don't fall for this trap. This is more dangerous than any drug.
This is killing us all silently. we r feeling happy to see others falling but remember, we are also standing in the same line waiting of our turn to come, poor bird is not aware that falcon is encircling above its head. This monster of hatred will spare no one I repeat NO ONE.
Let's forget everything and first of all stop this whataboutery of who did what.
Lets start a fresh.
I know its very hard but I'm sure this is not impossible.
Atleast let's give it a try.
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