I am a masochist so here is some ~discourse~.

Keeping aside this issue of "tarot" and "astrology" for a bit, this whole "attack on science" pearl clenching is so funny to me. Because yes. You are right, science is not a colonial construct. Because science wasn't invented in
Europe. "Eastern" cultures had been dabbling in questions of science forever. No one creates the pyramids without some knowledge of "science". No one makes great explorations in medicine and astronomy either. But just because the Church in Europe was shunning all scientific
progress does not mean that was the case for science and religion everywhere. Believing that the world went through the "Dark ages" just because Europe did, *is* a colonial construct.

In several cultures, great centers of scientific thought were also great centers of theological
thought. In fact a lot of science came from attempting to understand nature better to form a stronger bond with universe/God/energy whatever you might want to call it.

And man existed with logic and faith. Because man viewed himself as a small component of the natural order and
was at peace knowing that he does not understand all of it.

The moment that dictates most of the our current understanding of science, placed man at the center of knowledge. If all knowledge exists to serve man then there cannot be knowledge systems that require man to not know.
And this need to then view logic and faith as binaries instead of one facilitating the other is a deeply colonial impulse.

Human beings are allowed to exist with science and faith. They *should* exist with science and faith. Human beings are complex, they can accomodate both
these ideas, without having to choose. Because man, unlike what the enlightened philosophers believed, is not at the center of knowledge. He is allowed to be okay with not knowing.

Any knowledge system in the hands of the powerful can wreak havoc. The clergy wreaks havoc where
it has power, but so does Western imperialism. All of us live in a time, where we are terrified of all the power science has awarded to a few men. But that is not on the knowledge system. Any tool in the hands of power will wreak havoc. That is what power does.
Science and faith are not binaries. And as it is with faith, all of them are irrational. They should be. There are things man does not know and he needs to cherish not knowing everything. Faiths that you don't partake in are not specially so.
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