What do you do?

Let me rephrase that.
What do people think you do? Who do they think you are?


Perception may not be the truth but it's stronger than reality. It's directly proportional to how much you're priced.
People are not doing a rational investigation to find out things about you. They judge you from who they THINK you are.

You may not know, but stakehoders- customers, prospective clients, employers and friends are constantly creating a narrative about you from sheer perception.
You need to ask yourself this question. 'Is this brand that people associate me with, the brand I want to project?'

People do not pay for your product or service but for your perceived worth.
Empower people's perception of you and your perceived worth. Only God sees the heart, humans do not.

Your brand is a script. Be intentional, deliberate and consistent.
On social media and beyond, are you a premium brand or a mere commodity?

My take-out from Yvonne Ebbi's 'Rethinking Personal Branding' presentation at #TEDxCalabar
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