My neighbors used to send the Mormon missionaries to my door to deal with. “Go visit him. He likes to talk about God and the Bible.” Afterwards, the neighbors would often ask me how things went.

There were two young men one day that intrigued me.

They first began to converse with me about Jesus. They both became excited when I told them I believed in Jesus.

As I tried to explain who the Jesus of the Holy Bible is, one interrupted and blurted out, “Yes, we believe in the same Jesus.”

This audacity shocked me.

I explained to them that the Jesus of Scripture is the only Son of God and there are no other sons. They waved that away and asserted again that they agreed with me. Could they come inside and start a Bible study?

Again, one said, “We believe in the same Jesus.”

I explained to them, “No, you do not believe in the same Jesus as I do. You know that we disagree over the unique deity of God and his only begotten Son. Yet, you seek to tell me otherwise.”

At this point, I had had enough. I said, “You are lying, and you know it.”

Moreover, I explained, “Any god that would encourage you to lie in order to evangelize is not the true God. He is a false god. The devil is the father of lies.”

At this point, they became silent, and I began to plead earnestly with them to turn to the God of truth and love.

The younger Mormon missionary was especially earnest about what he was hearing and began to ask questions. But the older missionary was becoming fidgety.

Finally, as the younger man was soaking in the gospel and reflecting on the God of truth, the horrific occurred.

After being told repeatedly to be patient, the older Mormon physically grabbed the younger Mormon and started to drag him away. He allowed himself to be pulled away, as if he had been trained not to resist.

I can still remember his eyes. He looked at me with pain, pleading.

I told him he must call upon Jesus as Lord.

I have long prayed that the younger Mormon acted on what his heart was telling him was the truth.

The truth is this: Any so-called god who would demand that you lie in order to win others to faith in him is a false god.

But Jesus Christ is the way, the TRUTH, and the life. No person can come to God except through this Jesus.

If there is a pastor or missionary who claims that he has the truth, but he asks you to live a lie, you must confront him with the TRUTH and call him to repentance.

Brothers, we deal in truth, not lies. If you are a teacher who displays an obvious lack of integrity in scholarship so as to support your system, it is a good indicator you would do well to repent.

God holds us who teach in his Name to a frighteningly high standard.

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