Resentful people vs responsible people ( @ConceptualJames says this formula is from a to-be-revealed source)

Eventually, our civilization will collapse and reset the incentives, forcing resentful people to stop being little bitches.

JBP & Scruton have said lots about this... 1/4
Resentful people expect utopia and judge reality negatively for falling short, according to Scruton. He says this negative judgment is *intrinsic* to leftism.

Moreover, humans are naturally averse to taking responsibility, so it's a perennial aspect of our fallible nature. 2/4
The cure is to assume responsibility, according to JBP.

But why? Because it forces you to stop denying reality. How this works is kind of messy, but I'll try to summarize it:

Being responsible for something gives you a goal. Goal-orientation is a big deal... 3/5
You can't pursue a goal if you're aimless (in anomie). In order to act with purpose, you must prioritize your values, choosing those likeliest to increase the odds of making progress towards your goal.

Prioritization has MANY positive consequences. It forces you to be judgmental
Nonjudgmentalism is a cognate of aimlessness and relativism.

A radically noncommittal mind can't act with purpose to pursue a goal. So you must commit to some values.

Acting our these values with any degree of success in pursuit of your goal creates feelings of meaningfulness.
By choosing to exercise your judgment in a rational manner in order to pursue some goal, you have implicitly gave subordinated yourself to the rules of reality.

This reduces your utopianism. As you discover your capacity to influence reality, you become less of a cry baby.
By learning that you can act in reality to produce feelings of a meaningful life, you unlearn the reality-denying utopianism that is the fundamental source of your resentful attitude and you instead adopt a useful hierarchy of values that enable you to better your own life.
The resentful person is infantilized by her denial of reality, so she masters the manipulative arts: coercing others (eg, with magic words) to protect her faux-fragility and serve her needs.

The responsible person is fortified by competent action in reality and is self-governing
In a liberal democracy, the responsible person votes for his own freedom and the resentful person votes herself into a risk-free form of slavery.

For various reasons (affluence, corruption in education, leisure and decadence), we've raised generations of resentful people.
I don't know what prescriptions to draw from this, other than to point out that certain policy proposals like UBI will make things worse by entrenching the perverse incentives that enable the resentful people to continue their parasitic and destructive lifestyles.

End. 5/5 😆
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