5 day lockdown in Vic, some advice:

1st step: Don’t panic

Take a deep breath & let’s work this one step at a time.

What you can do? #WearAMask , check if you were in high risk exposure sites (below), get tested (+ if you have symptoms) & isolate.

#COVID19vic #WheresTheVaccine
Exposure sites are on the @VicGovDH website, listed below.
Follow the @VicGovDH site for updated through the day & more info.

Not sure if you should get tested? Contact the coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.

Have symptoms? Get tested!



Many elderly & at risk groups may not have ready access to the above info. Reach out & ensure they know what to do & they have what they need: food, medications and medical support & social supports.

The lockdown is to help protect them too.
Where can you get tested?

Here's a list:

Your GP may be able to help you too if you are having issues.

#Covid19VIC #Covid19Aus #WeakAMask
Obviously many people are anxious & angry.
It’s ok, you’re not alone. Reach out, debrief, contact family/friends, check on each other or speak to your Dr.

We've got this, we'll be OK.

Be cautious, wear a mask, get tested is sick, social distance, wash your hands.

Here's a great list of numbers to call for help from @FionaPattenMLC

#Covid19Vic #Covid19Aus
Last year was a long one, but we worked together to beat this & I have faith in all of us to do it again.

It's 5 days, let's stick together & get it done.
Thanks to all the contact tracers, health care workers & you all for your hard work.
Let's hope that the Federal Government will actually roll out the COVID vaccine sooner rather than later, as it will be a key to avoiding further spread and the need for extensive lockdowns in the future.
We're waiting @ScottMorrisonMP @GregHuntMP #WheresTheVaccine

You can follow @drpete00.
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