In 1974 I was studying biology at McGill University in Montreal, recently arrived from Brazil. I was 20, eager to learn more about science, experiencing a new culture while discovering the Fender Rhodes electric piano I had just bought on my way from Rio.
In between my environmental biology research projects and the jam sessions with young Canadian jazz musicians that took place in the next 3 years, I would soon discover the sound of Chick’s Rhodes in his band Return to Forever.
Starting with their Brazilian phase with Flora Purim and Airto Moreira (with whom I would work for 3 years in the 90s) throughout their progressive rock-jazz fusion phase with the lead synths and Al Di Meola’s scorching guitar licks, I was heavily influenced by Chick Corea.
He was a role model, someone I aimed to be like and to sound like.
Then I moved back to Brazil in 1977, and life put me in direct contact with Hermeto Pascoal, who became my musical mentor, inspiring me to keep biology as a lifelong hobby and music as my work and my passion.
Less than a year into my apprenticeship with the Campeão, we were invited to perform at the very first jazz festival to be held in São Paulo in September 1978
It was a big deal for Brazil and for jazz, but an even bigger deal for me, because all my idols would be there: Chick Corea, Dexter Gordon, Stan Getz, John McLaughlin, and of course, Chick and his band.
As we approached our concert date, I told Hermeto I was self-conscious about performing on the same stage as my idols, and he said something to me I will never forget:
“Who is Chick Corea? An artist who has chosen to follow the musical path. Who are you? The same!” Hermeto spoke with the conviction of someone who knew Chick and who also knew me at a depth that I was not aware of yet.
He added: “He happens to be further along this path, but we are all evolving together, you, him and me!”
We continued our rehearsals with our Grupo, preparing the beautiful and intricate music that Hermeto was creating for us. The day for our concert arrived, falling right on my 24th birthday
One of the most challenging pieces of our set was the Suite Paulistana, a multi-movement suite that challenged all of us, alternating complex through-composed sections with free improvisation and wild dynamic rides.
As we played it onstage, I looked to my right and Chick was there, smiling as he saw and heard what we were doing. Hermeto then invited Chick onstage, and the two had an unforgettable duet of Clavinets.
At the end, after we returned to the theme and closed it, Chick walked over to me and said that he had just had the greatest musical lesson of his life watching us play and sharing music with us.
As I sat back at the Rhodes, Chick picked up two pieces of wood and stood next to me, playing percussion and enjoying the powerful energy of the music, as John McLaughlin sat in and played a blistering guitar solo on a frevo by Hermeto.
That serendipitous moment on my 24th birthday created an insight and an artistic direction that inspires me to this day.
It was a sort of epiphany that connected my musical past, present and future as one complete journey. I can still see me as the wide-eyed young musician, seeing his idols and his mentor creating together a magical tapestry of sounds. I still recall each second of it.
Our friendship continued, and our paths crossed many more times, in many more places. Every time I spoke to Chick, he would comment on how Hermeto had inspired him to remain true to the spirit of music and to never close the doors to further musical evolution.
Once in Japan, he gifted us his music manuscripts and a delicious fruit cake baked by his wife Gayle.
In 1987 the Free Jazz Festival was happening in Brazil, and we had the honor to have on the same night Chick’s Eletrik Band, the Gil Evan Orchestra and Hermeto Pascoal & Grupo. There were different concerts in Rio and São Paulo, and each night a different act would open.
We started to challenge each other about who would play the longest, and these concerts became sound marathons lasting up to 8 hours, as each band got inspired by and inspired the others, going off script and offering new sound experiences to all participants.
Today we heard that Chick has made the transition to the place we all come from. However, the music and the legacy of his spirit will never pass. Instead, they will inspire the new generations of musicians and listeners who will hear of his music and of his spirit. I am grateful.
Life is short, but Art is eternal.

Vai em paz, meu amigo!

Jovino Santos Neto
February 11, 2021.
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