Thread RE: #TPLFisTheCause - accountability check for Tigray advocates.

Don't alienate allies by conflating advocacy for the people of Tigray, with defending the politics of the TPLF. Genuine, mutual solidarity will require uncompromising integrity, regardless of discomfort. 1/6
First & foremost, the humanitarian crisis in Tigray is abominable, @AbiyAhmedAli has again proven himself to be the devil's spawn through his capacity for creating human agony. The pain of the Tegaru, Oromo, & all other people his regime torments will be their undoing. 2/6
Having said that, the EPRDF-TPLF regime was equally hostile & destructive to most nations in Ethiopia. The first round of #OromoProtests was launched against its harmful policies, & the response was unadulterated brutality. 3/6
Since '94, OSG reported how the EPRDF-TPLF regime looted, imprisoned, raped, tortured, & murdered Oromos and other nationalities for 27 years. Sound familiar? That's because @AbiyAhmedAli copied the playbook. We're re-living an excruciating nightmare. 4/6 
This experience has created nothing but empathy for the suffering in Tigray. However, the cognitive dissonance that is causing Tegaru advocacy to become tainted with defending the EPRDF-TPLF regime, diverts support from people who refuse to exonerate the terrorism it enacted. 5/6
We must be able to come together on humanitarian grounds in earnest, & for that to be possible, all abusers of human rights must be denounced and held accountable. 6/6

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