The "science is a colonial construct" tweet is so mind bendingly stupid, such an awe inspiring group of words representing an argument so unhinged that I have literally had the write tweet option open for half an hour and I still don't know how to react to it
Banda hansay ya royay, samajh se bahar hai
It's so bad that I don't even feel bad talking shit about it. Usually when I see some stupid shit from a younger person I just ignore it because it's harmless. But an outright rejection of science?! holy shit we need to call and stomp that shit out immediately
And, insane I have to clarify, but I'm not being misogynistic. Trust me, if a 20 yr old boy had tweeted something so insane I would've been way more harsh, would've probably sprinkled a few nice Urdu gaaliyan in this thread lol. The ch word would be in there like water in the sea
Clique shit - I've lost 6 followers due to this thread lol - really people, if you need to outright reject science to keep your friend circle happy then you have the wrong friend circle
Also, the funniest thing about this is situation Nida Kirmani's involvement. Ma'am, did you ever think an innocuous tweet by you would result in 24 hours of insane discourse? lmao
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