1/The COVID vaccine is not a normal vaccine. It's an mRNA vaccine. What this means is as follows. A normal vaccine carries a dead or damaged pathogen like a virus, that your immune system can then fully destroy. It's like killing a champion boxer already on the verge of death.
2/Your "adaptive immune system" works by memory. Antibodies are the product of that memory, like homing signals that directly instruct your immune system exactly how to most deliver a headshot to the virus if you ever encounter it again. You might not even notice when you're
3/re-exposed in the future, the killing is so quick. What the COVID mRNA vaccine does is different. It doesn't have a dead or damaged COVID virus inside. Instead, it contains mRNA--instructions for making proteins. But this isn't your mRNA. It's made in a lab, injected into you.
4/The lab made the mRNA instructions. When injected into you, it gives your cells the instructions to build a protein from the COVID-19 virus. Now your body is directly building part of the COVID-19 virus, so that your immune system sees the "virus" and kills it.
5/The problems start w one, these are mRNA instructions from a lab, to reconstruct a virus protein. It's almost completely unlikely exactly the same, so it's essentially a genetically-modified version. Don't want to eat GMO food? Now your cells are making GMO virus proteins.
6/We have evidence already out that the COVID virus from Wuhan already has retrovirus-like activity--it's an RNA virus that can reverse transcribe to modify your DNA, meaning to genetically modify YOU, like HIV. https://twitter.com/jcho710/status/1339715744733351936
7/If our own cells now have mRNA to build a likely GMO version of a virus protein (why should your human body creating any part of a virus, ever?), I would not think it unlikely that like the actual COVID-19 virus itself, retrovirus activity from this mRNA vaccine is found.
8/In tests of mRNA prior to the COVID mRNA vaccine, animal tests found that recipients initially had above average antibody-like immunity to the virus the mRNA vaccine "vaccinated" (IT'S NOT A VACCINE) them against. However, when those recipients encountered other variations of
9/that virus they were "antibody-immune" to some degree, the animals died across the board. Tests therefore NEVER proceeded to humans. It is funny that the COVID mRNA vaccines skipped animal testing ENTIRELY. None were done, except on humans, warpsped only to show above-average
10/immunity to the virus they were "vaccinated" against very ST. Thus, no non-ST exposure to variations of that virus (wild-types). If you think this COVID mRNA vaccine is safe, there has not been an animal test of mRNA vaccines where the animals didn't die en masse after the ST.
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