To my dear Twitter family
(A Thread)
We've all wondered this...
The healing journey, especially journalling & inner child work is painful & confronting to say the very least...most progress is slow/incremental/glacial with many relapses...
Is it worth it?
What I've noticed today is a difference...
In the past my depression & anxiety was largely based on a lack of self confidence & very low (non existent) self worth...
Growing in self awareness/the entirety of the healing journey/establishing my support network...
...and friendships here on Twitter I've slowly learnt my self worth, to actually feel it, but I know what I deserve...and although I had a traumatic childhood & I currently live in a somewhat abusive/trauma reinforcing life, the notable difference for me is the peace/calm &
...confidence that I'm starting to feel as I set boundaries & firmly explain/demand how not to be treated...I can't say I live a life of bliss lol, but its a good feeling to feel entitled to my self worth & dignity after 40 years of not even knowing it.
Is the fight worth it? Only if you stick to it daily & dont give up, resolve to do that in your mind, unconditionally love & heal the pains of your inner child with time/repetition/repetition/repetition UNTIL...until you get there.
Make selective friends through DMs here on...
...on Twitter, learn the value of trusting others with your vulnerability, if you pick the right people here, they've lived your pain too, felt the intensity...make an effort to give the support to others here you desperately want for yourself...its not transactional love...
...but healthy mutual support to help you thrive/the mutual interdependence that we need to heal as the social species that we are...I owe a very large portion of my healing to all of you reading this, so thank you for still being here, you make a difference in...
...helping all of us not feel alone in our pain, our struggle, our fight, our setbacks, our flaws...
Thank you
You can follow @KievitPieter.
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