An interesting note about the current septic tank program. Prior to each project starting, JEA’s Project Outreach team holds town meetings and meets with each individual property owner to discuss the project, answer questions and to sign them up for the program. 1/2
Each project area must reach the 70% approval threshold for the project to move fwd. The stories we hear from customers during these mtgs only highlight the need for projects in these areas. The team becomes personally invested in making sure these projects are successful. 2/2
In both current projects we have reached over 80% participation which shows the desire by these neighborhoods. Plans for Biltmore include new water lines. Some residents wells are in such bad condition that they can’t use the water to drink, instead buying water from the store.
In the project areas that already have water lines, we are replacing and upgrading the water lines that have reached the end of their useful lives. This helps with overall reliability, water pressure and improved fire safety (fire hydrants). These projects can be transformative.
The current matrix created by the COJ and JEA is probably the best I’ve seen. It provides additional points for ranking neighborhoods that were built PRIOR to JAX consolidation. This moves those neighborhoods that have been made promises in the past to the top of the list.
What we’ve also noticed from past Septic Tank Phase Out projects is that this can be the catalyst for infill development in these areas. Builders, many local, will follow these projects and build workforce priced housing. This also brings up the values of the surrounding homes.
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