I read the heart-wrenching report from RZIM along with so many other tragic failures of well-known ministers.

Later I received a call from my daughter explaining how her and her friends are working together to clothe and feed the homeless during subzero temperatures. 1/
Many people pursue the former. They desire large stages and bright lights.

God honors the latter. A group coming together on frozen streets to feed the hungry, clothe the unclothed, give shelter to the homeless. 2/
When Jesus said in Matt 16 that the gates of Hell would not prevail against the church’s confession of Christ as Lord, is it possible that the gates of Hell have clothed themselves in the power-lust of those who consider themselves Christian ministers? 3/
If so, it is the latter—unknown people quietly carrying the Gospel through tangible acts of Christlike love—who will destroy the perversion of the Gospel that so many of our “heroes” perpetrated against Christ in their hubris. 4/
Not to mention that it brings tears to this earthly father’s eyes to realize that I may not have led thousands to Christ through preaching in stadiums. 5/
But through trying to be a faithful example to two children I can realize that there are people who are sleeping in warmth and are filled with food for the first time in days. 6/
More importantly, they have had the Gospel of Jesus Christ explained to them. They have seen the love of Jesus Christ exemplified to them. 7/
With an anger that I’ve not felt in years I can say that I’m glad God never gave me the large stage upon which to stand and the bright lights to blind my eyes. 8/
I much prefer the tears of pleasure that are clouding my eyes in my small study in which I sit as I think of the nobodies who are faithfully ministering in Jesus’s name in ways that will never gain the attention of the press. 9/
Thank you, celebrity Christians. But you can exit now. There is work to be done. You have done enough.
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